Tengo 50 años, soy psicólogo clínico acreditado -como especialista en psicoterapia Estratégica Breve (CONAPC)-, con vasta experiencia ( 24 años) en el ámbito público: atención primaria/ SENAME/SERNAM , en programas especializados – violencia intrafamiliar, depresión y consumo problemático de drogas- con niños, adolescentes y adultos en distintas regiones.

I started my career, doing my professional practice in a clinic and then I worked for a year - free of charge - in a primary health center, collaborating with community mental health and self-help groups.

As technical manager, I have coordinated, directed and advised mental health programs: community and regional.

Likewise, I have been a rapporteur in dozens of courses in various regions of the country.

He escrito columnas de opinión -y entrevistas- para diarios, artículos para revistas científicas y capítulos  de libros de psicología clínica. Escribí un libro dedicado exclusivamente a la supervisión clínica.

I have participated in congresses -national and international- of psychology: first as a student and then as an exhibitor.

Como supervisor clínico tengo estudios formales (acreditados) en Chile y U.S.A.   (1.000 horas).

En mi ejercicio como supervisor Clínico -de psicólogos de postgrado-, destaco mi experiencia en el Instituto Milton Erickson de Santiago de Chile (Centro para el Desarrollo de la Psicoterapia Estratégica Breve) desde el año 2017 hasta la actualidad, fundado y dirigido académicamente, por el psicólogo -supervisor Clínico- Mario Pacheco León.  

As for my union work, I have been national director, regional and communal president of the College of Psychologists of Chile.

As an independent professional, I have been the co-founder of a consulting firm - which won various public funds in the area of mental health - attending privately - and also free of charge - to people with problems of drug use and violence.

Actualmente (2024 – 2026) soy parte del comité editorial de la prestigiosa -y única- revista internacional dedicada exclusivamente a la supervisión clínica (The Clinical Supervisor), liderada por su fundadora y editora principal DiAnne Borders, PhD.


juan pablo vicencio psychologist

There is a psycho among us

Written by Juan Pablo Vicencio C.

juan pablo vicencio psychologist

Can a bad person be a good professional?

Written by Juan Pablo Vicencio C

juan pablo vicencio psychologist

Addictions: hitting rock bottom?

Written by Juan Pablo Vicencio C

Happiness and windmills

Written by Juan Pablo Vicencio C

Articles written for magazine: Salud LMental

Annual magazine towards an integrative mental health where there is an openness to various approaches and approaches, within which it studies elemental health, psychology, medicine, social sciences, philosophy, art therapy, psychodrama, ecology and medicine alternative among others.

Articles written for magazine: Salud LMental

Annual magazine towards an integrative mental health where there is an openness to various approaches and approaches, within which it studies elemental health, psychology, medicine, social sciences, philosophy, art therapy, psychodrama, ecology and medicine alternative among others.

Capítulo escrito para libro: "Psychology and Covid-19 in the Americas"

Capítulo editado por la prestigiosa editorial Springer (2023). Los dos volúmenes ya están
para la venta en la web Springer y en AMAZON (versión física y online) https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Covid-19-Americas-Nelson-Portillo/dp/3031385012

Chapter written for book: "Adolescence today"

Depression and Suicidality in Adolescents: Contributions of Brief and Solution-Focused Strategic Therapy.

Online Psychological Care
College of Psychologists of Chile
Private Psychotherapy Center
Clinical Supervision Research Collaborative

Friends Links

American Psychological Association
Latin American Federation of Psychotherapy
Interamerican Society of Psychology, Inc.
Milton H. Erickson Institute of Santiago
AIGLE Guatemala project